
Friday, August 10, 2012


(EN below)
NATTY, f., ~2011, deparazitata/wormed, invatata la litiera/ litter box trained.

NATTY a fost gasita de catre un medic veterinar in drumul lui spre serviciu, pisicuta avea unul ditnre picioare rupt si fusese in mod evident abandonata de catre cineva, care nu a vrut sa isi asume cheltuielile operatiei ei. Pisica este invatata in casa, extrem de iubitoare si extraordinar de blanda si cuminte.
Momentan traieste intr-o cusca la un cabinet veterinar, dar pentru o pisica traita in casa, viata intr-o custa este oribila. Natty cauta o familie unde sa fie iubita si ingrijita si care sa nu o mai paraseasca. Pisicuta are o brosa la piciorul stang, dar odata cu scoaterea acesteia, ea va merge aproape normal.
NATTY was found by a vet on his way to work. She had one broken leg and had been abandoned by someone who wasn't able or willing to cover the costs of the operation. She is now living in a cage at a vet clinic, but for an overly loving, gentle and mild cat, life in a cage is just horrible. She is house trained, so she most certainly used to live in a house and had a family. She is not at all scared by people, she actually craves every bit of attention. As soon as the broach she has in her left leg will be taken out she will walk again normally(almost).

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