
Sunday, August 19, 2012


PINKY (f), n.~15.05.2012, deparazitata, educata la litiera / wormed, litter box trained
(EN below) Pinky nu s-a aratat deloc tematoare in a se apropia de o doamna care isi pl
imba catelul in parcul din spatele blocului. Ea stia un singur lucru: vroia casuta ei, unde sa fie ingrijita si iubita asa cum merita!
Imediat ce a fost luata in brate, a inceput sa se gudure si sa toarca in semn de multumire. Si chiar daca primele luni si le-a petrecut pe strada, afectiunea si delicatetea nu-i sunt deloc straine.
A urmat vizita la cabinetul medicului veterinar, unde a fost deparazitata intern si extern si a primit prima ei baita, pentru ca albul blanitei sa poate fi apreciat la justa valoare.Acum este o splendoare de pisicuta, curata si iubitoare, in cautarea unui camin permanent.
Pinky wasn’t fearful at all when she approached a lady walking her dog in a park close to an apartment building. She knew only one thing: she wanted her own home, where she would be cared to and loved as much as she deserves! Once she was nestled, she started to fawn and purr as a sign of gratitude. And even if she spent the first months of her life on the streets, affection and graciousness are no stranger to her.
A visit to the vet’s office followed next, where she was dewormed and received her first bath, in order to let the whiteness of her fur be fully appreciated.
Now, she’s a splendid kitty cat, clean and loving, in search for a permanent home

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