
Wednesday, September 5, 2012


F, n. ~2010
Rusia este o pisica cu o poveste tare trista (o puteti citi aici:
?set=a.336515233087706.76486.140044309401467&type=1 ), care a ajuns acum in siguranta si isi doreste o casa a ei.

Dar sa va povestim mai multe despre Rusia. Dupa o baie binemeritata, blanita imbacsita i s-a transformat in cea mai matasoasa
paturica. Ajunsa in casa, a fost clar ca stie sa foloseasca litiera, ca se simte in largul ei cocotata in pat si ca in ciuda experientei dureroase prin care a trecut, nu si-a pierdut increderea in oameni.
E lipicioasa si docila, sta cu burta in sus sa fie scarpinata si se plimba dupa oameni prin casa, de teama sa nu ramana iar singura.
F, born ~2010
Rusia is a cat with a sad story (you can read it here:


6.140044309401467&type=1 ), who is safe now, but is eager to find a forever home.
But let us tell you more about Rusia. After a well deserved bath, her clogged fur turned into a silky soft coat. Taken into a house, it was clear that she knew about using the litterbox, that she feels comfortable on the top of the bed and that despite her painful experience, she hasn't lost her faith in people.
She is cuddling and docile, she turns belly-side-up to get scratched and she follows people all around the house, afraid not to be left alone again

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