
Monday, October 15, 2012


SHAI - (f) - nascuta/born: ~iunie 2012, deparazitata/dewormed, obisnuita la litiera/litter box trained
(EN below) Shai a fost salvata de sub rotile masinilor de pe una dintre cele mai circulate strazi din Bucuresti. Norocul ei a fost ca cineva s-a aflat acolo in momentul in care tocmai urma sa fie lasata inapoi pe strada, dupa ce abia fusese scoasa de la roata unei masini.
Shai a ajuns in siguranta si, desi este o pisicuta un pic mai timida inca, ea se bucura si toarce la mangaieri si alintat. Este este de asemenea o pisicuta foarte jucausa si foarte sociabila cu alte pisici.
Shai was saved from one of the busiest streets in Bucharest. The kitten was truly lucky: someone was there to save her, just before the ones that pulled her out from the wheel of a car were about to let her go on the street again. Shai is now in foster care, and even is she is a bit shy for the moment, she enjoys being caressed and receiving attention. She is a very playful cat and enjoys the presence of other feline friends.

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