
Sunday, October 28, 2012


Cross-eyed Jimmey(m), data nasterii / born: august 2012 - deparazitat, educat la litiera/dewormed, litter box trained

Cross-eyed Jimmey este jucaus si plin de viata, ti-e mai mare dragul sa te uiti la el si la fratele lui, Wild-eye Mickey, cum se alearga si se rostogolesc prin casa. Amandoi sunt un pic sasii, dar spre deosebire de Mickey, Jimmey are toate labutele cu manusite albe si are si o pata alba pe piept. Seara amandoi vin in pat si incep sa toarca, sa maseze si, desi la inceput sunt un pic timizi, sunt cei mai iubitori doi pisicuti. Jimmey si Mickey ar vrea sa plece acasa impreuna, dar, daca nu se poate, sunt fericiti sa fie parte a unei familii si singuri.
Cross-eyed Jimmey is playful and full of life, it's a pleasure to watch him play with his brother, Wild-eye Mickey, as they run around and tumble through the house. Both are a bit boss-eyed, but Jimmey has white mittens on all his paws and a white spot on his chest. At night both of them come to bed and start purring and showing their love for humans best they can. It would be lovely for them to be adopted together, but being adopted alone by a family and being loved twice as much is also ok for them.
Aici poze cu fratele lui Jimmey, Mickey | Jimmey's brother Mickey:

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