
Monday, October 1, 2012

Camera cu Pisici la Sofisticat | The Cat Room at Sofisticat

[EN below]
Sofisticat a insemnat pentru noi, dar si pentru pisiciutele prezente la eveniment, doua zile frumoase, in care am fost vizitati de multi oameni minunati, carora vrem sa le multumim pe aceasta cale. Dintre cele 5 pisicute prezente, doar Vona a avut norocul de a nu se intoarce cu noi acasa, plecand direct la noua familie adoptiva. Pe celelalte le gasiti in continuare in albumele noastre si speram ca in viitorul apropiat sa aiba si ele acelasi noroc.
Va multumim inca odata si pana la urmatorul eveniment la care vom fi prezenti, va invitam sa ramaneti alaturi de noi online.
We, and of course our kitties present at the event, spent 2 wonderful days at Sofisticat. Two days in which we got visits from many lovely people, whom we want to thank for their lovely presence and support. Out of the 5 kitties present, only Vona was so lucky to find a home and to leave with her new parents. The other cats you can find on our page with individual albums and hopefully some of them will also leave for their new homes.
We thank you again and until our next event we invite you to keep following us online.

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