
Thursday, November 22, 2012


BUBULINA (f), data nasterii / born: ~2011 - deparazitata, educata la litiera/ dewormed, litter box trained
Bubulina a fost gasita ratacind pe langa o intersectie foarte aglomerata. Este frumoasa, grasuta si foarte docila.

Inca se acomodeaza cu noul mediu si e putin sfioasa, dar face progrese vizibile de la o zi la alta. Asteapta o familie dornica sa ii ofere o sansa. In curand va fi sterilizata.
Bubulina was found near a very busy road. She is beautiful, chubby and very docile. She is still getting used to the new environment and is a bit shy, but she is making visible progress. She is waiting for a family willing to offer her a chance. She will be spayed soon.

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