
Wednesday, January 16, 2013


BALANEL(m), nascut/born ~August 2012, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained.
( EN bellow) BALANEL este buzoian, a fost gasit la sfarsitul lunii Decembrie inghetat aproape total in curtea unui bloc.Cand ajuns la Bucuresti si in grija noastra avea 1,4 kg si ii puteai numara coastele. A fost tratat pentru otita, pentru o infectie la gingie si pentru raceala, iar acum este complet vindecat. Desi este extrem de bland si de calin, Balanel este un motanel sperios la inceput, si chiar si dupa ce capata incredere, miscarile bruste il pun pe fuga. Acomodarea lui la un nou mediu, cu oameni noi, va fi de durata mai lunga decat la un pisic, care nu este deloc speriat, Cand se ataseaza, insa, sta in brate ca un copilas si toarce si se alinta. Este nevoie de rabdare din partea adoptatorului in ceea ce priveste acomodarea lui.
BALANEL was found at the end of December almost frozen to death. When he came in our care he weighed 1,4 kg and you could count his ribs. He was treated for a cold, for otitis and for an infection at his gums and he has now completely recovered. Even though he is extremely gentle he still is a bit shy with new people. His adaptation to the new environment and to his new masters might take a bit longer than for a cat that is not afraid of people. The second he starts trusting people he turns into a loving, purring little baby that loves to cuddle, all he needs is patience.

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