
Thursday, January 17, 2013


BUBBLES (m), nascut/born: 07-08.2012, deparazitat/dewormed, educat la litiera/litter box trained
[EN below] BUBBLES a fost gasit misunand pe sub masini, intr-o zona plina de caini. In momentul in care l-am chemat el a venit torcand... Ne-a fost imposibil sa il lasam acolo, iar micutul nu a protestat deloc. Nu a avut absolut nicio problema de acomodare in apartament. Este un pisoi foarte torcacios, afectuos, dar si jucaus. Cauta o familie responsabila care sa il iubeasca si sa aiba grija de el, asa cum merita.
BUBBLES was found wandering under some cars in an area full of dogs. He came to us purring and we could just not leave him there. He had no problem adapting in an apartment. Bubbles is a very sweet, purring, and also playing kitten. He needs a responsible family that will take care of him, just as he deserves.

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