
Monday, February 8, 2016

BARBARA pisica pentru adoptie | cat for adoption

BARBARA (f), nascut ~ 2009-2010, deparazitata, invatat la litiera, sterilizata
Barbara a fost preluata din strada impreuna cu puii ei in luna septembrie 2012. Initial a parut a fi o pisica agresiva si speriata, care nu va capata niciodata incredere in oameni. Dupa ce a petrecut, insa, toata iarna in casa(era pra fig sa o eliberam inapoi in teritoriu avand in vedere ca o luasem cand inca era cald afara)Barbara s-a acomodat perfect cu viata de apartament si a inceput chiar sa se bucure de mangaieri si alint, ba mai mult, a invatat si sa se joace. Mai are de invatat cum sta treaba cu increderea in oameni, insa este pe drumul cel bun, iar orice pisica care evolueaza atat de frumos, merita o sansa la o viata mai buna.
Barabara was taken from the street together with her kittens in September 2012. Initially she was really scared and aggressive and we thought she will never get to trust humans. When all her kittens were adopted it was really cold outside so we decided to keep her until the weather got better and then put her back into territory, but than it happened she started enjoying life in the apartment and also starting playing, purring and accepting to be caressed. She is still learning to accept humans and live amopng them, but she has come a long way so we think she deserves the chance to a better life!

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