
Tuesday, March 12, 2013


CÂLŢ (m), nascut/born ~ 2011, deparazitat, castrat, invatat la litiera/dewormed, neutered, litter box trained.
(En below) Câlţ a ajuns in grija noastra dupa ce a fost salvat din mijlocul unei intersectii foarte circulate din Bucuresti. Nu stim daca a fost abandonat, pierdut sau pur si simplu lasat sa umble liber pe strada, insa ce e cert este ca motanul nu se afla intr-o stare prea buna. Blana lui era extrem e murdara si incalcita, motiv pentru care a fost tuns, iar urechile lui erau pline de raie auriculara (pentru care se afla sub tratament acum). In rest Câlţ se dovedeste a fi unul dintre cei mai afectuosi si tocaciosi motani care ne-au ajuns in grija, care apreciaza din plin confortul unui camin si dragostea care i se ofera. Tot ce are nevoie acum este o familie iubitoare si cu adevarat respnsabila.
Câlţ arrived into our care after being saved from the middle of a very busy crossroad. We do not know if he was lost, abandoned, or just left to wonder alone on the street, but what is for sure is that he was not in very good shape. His fur war extremely dirty and tangled, and his ears full of ear mites (he is currently under treatment). Besides all this, Câlţ proves to be one of the most loving and affectionate tomcats that we have met, that appreciates the comfort and safety of a home and enjoys all the love he receives. All he needs is a loving and responsible family.