
Monday, June 10, 2013


LILU(f) nascuta/born: ~20.04.2013, deparazitata, invatata la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained.
(EN bellow) Lilu este o mogaldeata gasita de cineva pe strada dupa ce fusese abandonata pe cand nici macar nu se putea hrani singura. La inceput micuta avea niste probleme de coordonare destul de mari - posibil sa fi survenit in urma unei lovituri, dar a raspuns foarte bine la tratament si s-a recuperat in proportie de 80% intr-un timp extrem de scurt.  Problemele cu care a ramas sunt faptul ca nu aude si ca mai are mici probleme de coordonare, mai ales cand se bucura, dar acestea nu afecteaza in niciun fel starea micutei: ea se poate deplasa, hrani, merge la litiera si nu necesita nici un fel de atentie speciala.  In afara de asta este o pisicuta extreeeeem de afectuoasa, torcacioasa si jucausa, adora sa ti se urce in brate si sa se alinte, se intelege foarte bine si cu alte pisici asteapta cu nerabdare sa ajunga la casuta ei.
Lilu is a small kitten found on the street after she was abandoned when she was not even able to feed herself. At the beginning she had some big coordination problems- she was probably hit by someone, but she answered very well to treatment and she is recovered 80% in a very short time. She can’t hear and has  small coordination problems, especially when she is very happy and excited but these problems don’t affect in any way her condition: she can move, feed herself, go to the litter box and she doesn’t need any special attention. More than that, she is an extremely sweet , loving and playful cat, she loves climbing in your arms to receive attention, she gets along very well with other cats and she can’t wait to have a home of her own.

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