
Saturday, December 28, 2013


NOIR(M), nascuta/born ~15.05.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained. ------------
NOIR este cel mai mic dintre puii lui Shali, nascut ultimul probabil, nu a crescut la fel de repede ca ceilalti, desi el a luat si suplimente cand era foarte mic. Este insa curajos cand e de explorat si indarjit cand vine vorba de mancare. Vine primul la masa si pleaca ultimul. Ii place sa fie mangaiat si alintat si i-ar fi tare bine alaturi de familia lui. El sigur nu ar purta nimanui ghinion, chiar daca este complet negru.
NOIR is the smallest of Shali’s 5 kittens, he was probably born last, but though small he is really courageous whne it comes to play and the first one in line and always the last to "leave the table", he loves to eat! He is loving, playful and loves to cuddle. All he needs is a home

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