
Monday, December 30, 2013


ALIGRU (m) nascut/born: 05.03.2013, deparazitat, vaccinat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, vaccinated, litter box trained
Aligru e un motanel tandru, care isi aseaza capul in palma ta cand vrea sa traga un pui de somn, face aport cu mototoale de staniol si toarce la maxim cand ii dai atentie. Noaptea doarme lipit de tine si uneori trece sa-ti mai dea cate un pupic. In afara de asta, e un pisoi jucaus, ca toti de varsta lui. Nu refuza o tavaleaza cu o jucarie sau fugaritul unui pamatuf. E foarte atasat de pisicile cu care convietuieste si ar fi fericit sa aiba un partener de joaca. Daca vrei un astfel de zglobiu in familia ta, trimite un mail la:
Aligru is a tender tomcat, who puts his head in your palm when he wants to take a nap, he fetches if you throw him a tinfoil ball and purrs loudly when you pay him attention. At night he cuddles by your side and passes from time to time to give you a kiss. Besides that, he's a playful tomcat, normal for his age. He doesn't say no to a toy-fight or chasing a fuzz-ball. He's very attached to the cats he shares the home with and would be very happy to have a play-partner. If you want this frolicsome young tomcat, send an email to:

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