
Saturday, October 12, 2013


GANDACEL (m) nascut/born: ~04.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained.
Pe GANDACEL l-am gasit in luna iunie, piele si os pe marginea unei sosele circulate, era atat de slabit incat nu se putea misca de pe loc, abia se tinea pe labute. Avea o micoza, probleme la gingie si era racit. A stat internat timp de 2 saptamani, dupa care a fost preluat de noi si a urmat tratament. Dupa 4 luni de tratament Gandacel este acum sanatos, iubitor si torcator si pregatit sa plece acasa. Este cel mai bland si cuminte pisic, nu se agita prea mult, desi arata ca o pantera veritabila, si ii place foarte mult sa fie iubit.
LITTLE BUG was found on the side of a very busy street, he was so weak he could not move at all. He had a mycosis, problems with his gums and a cold. He was kept at the vet for 2 weeks and after that he continued treatment in our care. Now, after 4 months he has grown into a little handsome panther, but is still very gentle and not a very playful cat, he enjoys it more to be caressed and loved.

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