
Tuesday, November 26, 2013


SECRET SQUIRREL (m)- nascut/born ~01.09.2013, deparazitat, invatati la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
SECRET SQUIRREL & MOROCCO MOLE au fost gasiti alaturi de alti 2 fratiori ai lor aruncati la doar o zi de la nastere intr-o curte parasita, mieunau atat de tare incat, spre norocul lor, cineva chiar i-a auzit si i-a luat. Din pacate fratiorii lor nu au supravietuit din cauza ca erau prea firavi si slabiti, dar Secret si Morocco au luptat pentru viata lor si au reusit sa creasca maricei si frumosi. Cei doi sunt nedesparititi, se joaca impreuna, dorm impreuna, fac prostioare impreuna si se iubesc tare mult. Le-ar placea sa plece impreuna si acasa, dar nu este obligatoriu, stiu si ei cat de greu e sa iti gasesti o familie cand esti pisoi orfan. Daca nu ii puteti adopta, ajutati-i dand SHARE povestii lor!
SECRET SQUIRREL & MOROCCO MOLE were left in an abandoned yard when they were only one day of age. They cried so loud that someone heard them and took them in, but sadly it was too late for their 2 brothers, who were not strong enough and did not survive. Secret and Morocco fought for their lives and have now turned into the cutest, healthiest two baby cats. They spend their whole time together, they play, eat, sleep together and they would love to be adopted together, but they know it's tough for orphan cats to find any home, let alone one where they can be together, but they can still hope, can't they? If you can't adopt please help the two by SHARING their story!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


DOTTIE (f) nascuta/born: ~04.2013, deparazitata, sterilizata, invatata la litiera / dewormed, spayed, litter box trained.
DOTTIE, impreuna cu surioara sa, MADDIE, au fost abandonate pe un trotuar, in dreptul unui bulevard foarte circulat, unde ar fi putut sfarsi in orice moment sub rotile masinilor. Odata ajunse in grija noastra, ele s-au dovedit a fi doua pisicute tare dragalase, jucause si torcacioase. Tot ce mai au nevoie este o familie care sa le ofere toata dragostea si grija de care au nevoie. Ar fi minunat sa fie adoptate impreuna, insa adoptia se poate face si separat.
DOTTIE, together with her sister, MADDIE, were abandoned on a sidewalk, near a very busy street, where the could have eneded up hit by a car at any time. Once arrived in our care, they turned out to be 2 sweet kittens, affectionate and playful, that only need a family to love and take care of them, as they deserve.


MADDIE (f) nascuta/born: ~04.2013, deparazitata, sterilizata, invatata la litiera / dewormed, spayed, litter box trained.
MADDIE, impreuna cu surioara sa, DOTTIE, au fost abandonate pe un trotuar, in dreptul unui bulevard foarte circulat, unde ar fi putut sfarsi in orice moment sub rotile masinilor. Odata ajunse in grija noastra, ele s-au dovedit a fi doua pisicute tare dragalase, jucause si torcacioase. Tot ce mai au nevoie este o familie care sa le ofere toata dragostea si grija de care au nevoie. Ar fi minunat sa fie adoptate impreuna, insa adoptia se poate face si separat.
MADDIE, together with her sister, DOTTIE, were abandoned on a sidewalk, near a very busy street, where the could have eneded up hit by a car at any time. Once arrived in our care, they turned out to be 2 sweet kittens, affectionate and playful, that only need a family to love and take care of them, as they deserve.