
Sunday, October 13, 2013


GEORGE (m), nascut/born ~2011, deparazitat, sterilizat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, neutered, litter box trained.

GEORGE a fost gasit cu o muscatura infectata la ureche din care curgea sange amestecat cu puroi. Din momentul in care a fost luat in brate, pentru a fi dus la veterinar, a inceput sa toarca si sa se alinte, fericit ca e bagat in seama. Este un pisoi foarte bland, iubitor si cuminte, ce a rabdat cu stoicism tratamentul pentru rana de la ureche, fapt pentru care acum este si vindecat aproape complet. George este prea bland ca sa se intoarca in strada, ajutati-l cu un SHARE daca nu il puteti adopta sau caza temporar!
GEORGE had a very nasty ear infection when he was found, as a result of having been bitten by another cat or by a dog. The moment he was picked up to be taken to the vet he started purring and playing nice. He is a very gentle and kind tomcat, who was really well behaved when receiving the treatment for his infection, this is why he is now almost completely cured. George is too loving and trusting to survive on the streets of Bucharest. Please help him by SHAREing his story if you cannot adopt/foster!

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