
Tuesday, December 24, 2013


NANA (f) nascuta/born: ~2009/2010, deparazitata, invatata la litiera, sterilizata, in tratament pentru micoza / dewormed, litter box trained, neutered, under treatment for mycosis
NANA este cea mai dragalasa si tandra pisica, desi ghia avut mult ghinion. A fost gasita pe strada si nu se stie mult despre trecutul ei, dar avand in vedere ca este de o blandete extraordinara si este invatata in casa, cel mai probabil a avut o familie la un moment dat si a fost ori abandonata, ori s-a pierdut. Momentan este cazata de doctorii de la cabinetul RadiusVet, cei care au gasit-o, dar nu poate ramane acolo prea mult, asa ca isi cauta de urgenta o casuta. 
NANA is a sweet and very gentle cat, even though she is not very lucky. She was found on the streets and we do not know her history, but she is used to life indoors and is longing for affection so she must have had a family and was either abandoned or lost  She is now fostered at RadiusVet, by the doctor that found her, but she can not stay there long, so she is urgently looking for a home.

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