
Tuesday, January 14, 2014


MOUSSE (F), nascuta/born ~2010/2011, deparazitata, invatata la litiera, sterilizata | dewormed, litterbox trained, neutered
MOUSSE este o pisica tanara, foarte activa si jucausa, desi nu mai e chiar pui se comporta des ca unul, isi gaseste tot timpul ceva de facut si de inspectat. Este foarte alintata, cerseste dragoste si ii place foarte mult sa fie in centrul atentiei. Mousse a trait o perioada plimbandu-se intre curtile oamenilor, pana cand s-a hotarat ca vrea sa fie pisica de casa, asa ca nu ar deranja-o sa aiba o curticica unde sa stea cu burtica la soare.
MOUSSE is a very young, active and playful cat. Even though she is not a kitten anymore she still has moments when she acts like one, runs around the house and finds things to do and places to sniff out. She is very spoiled, she craves a lot of love and attention. She spent a part of her life wondering from yard to yard until she decided she wanted to be a house cat, so she wouldn't mind to have a little garden where she can warm her belly in the summer time.

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