
Monday, March 31, 2014


PERSEFONA & PENELOPE sunt primele floricele de Martie, doua fetite orfane, care desi nu au avut cel mai bun start in viata, s-au dovedit a fi doua mici luptatoare. Sunt pofticioase si mancacioase, iar cand alte pisicute la varsta lor nu beau nici 25 ml de laptic la o masa, cele doua nu doar ca ii dau gata, dar mai si cer in plus si chiar au inceput sa manance si bobite inmuiate in lapte. Ii multumim Catalinei A. pentru ajutorul si dragostea oferite micutelor, fara ea salvarea lor nu ar fi fost posibila. Cele doua vor fi disponibile pentru adoptie incepand cu mijlocul lunii Mai, iar pana atunci, oricine doreste sa ajute micutele donand lapte Royal Canin Baby Cat poate sa ne contacteze la adresa

1. puii vor fi disponibili pentru adoptie dupa implinirea varstei de 2-2,5 luni; 
2. Nu se fac rezervari pentru ei;
Meet PERSEFONA & PENELOPE, the first spring flowers, two orphan kittens born at the beginning of March. They are two little worriers, who learned what fighting for your life means, before they knew how to walk. The two are really greedy eaters and while other kittens their age don't eat more than 25 ml. milk at one meal, the two not only drink that much, but are also still hungry afterwards and started eating dry baby cat food dipped in milk. We thank Catalina A. for all her help, saving these two could have not been possible without her. They will be available for adoption starting mid May and until then anyone can help by donating Royal Canin Baby Cat milk(for info contact:

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