
Wednesday, May 28, 2014


MEDUSA (f), nascuta/born ~ 2008, deparazitata, invatat la litiera, sterilizata | dewormed, neutered, litterbox trained
MEDUSA este o pisica trecuta de prima tinerete, dar care are atat de multa dragoste de oferit, incat se comporta ca un puiut cand este bagata in seama. Am gasit-o pe marginea unui bulevard foarte circulat,  in stare de semi-constienta, cu o rana infectata si purulenta de marimea unui ou in partea dreapta a corpului. Ajunsa la cabinet s-a constat ca avusese un sarcom acolo unde era acum rana si, deoarece era foarte slabita, batranica a stat cateva zile pe perfuzii ca sa poata face fata operatiei. Acum, dupa interventie si-a recapatat energia si este de o dragalasenie incredibila, iar tot ce ii lipseste e o familie alaturi de care sa isi traiasca ultimii ani. Si da, in caz ca va intrebati, are urechile foarte foarte mici :).
MEDUSA is a senior cat that has been through a lot. She was found by the side of a boulevard, in a very bad condition, semiconscious and with a wound the size of an egg  on a side of her body. After the vet consult and investigations it was established she had had a sarcoma where the wound was now. After a few days under IV she was operated on and is now healing very well. She still needs a home, as she is a really loving, gentle and friendly cat. If you can't adopt her, please help her by SHAREing her story!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


EIRA & BIRGIT  nascut/born: 17.01.2014, deparazitati, invatatI la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained.

Cei patru frati, salvati alaturi de mamica lor dintr-o ghena de gunoi ( sunt acum pregatiti de adoptie. Eira, tigrata cu dungi gri, si Birgit, tigrata cu buline maro, au nu doar blanita aproape la fel, ci sunt si foarte asemanatoare la caracter. Sunt cele mai curajoase si cele mai curioase, se joaca tot timpul impreuna si se cearta putin doar cand e vorba de mancare umeda, cand oricum, toti pisoii mici incearca sa manance din cat mai multe castroane, daca se poate, in acelasi timp. Nu atat de curajosi in expeditii pisicesti sunt Loke cea delicata si Magnus vorbaretul, care, in schimb sunt mult mai dornici de afectiune dupa o partida buna de joaca si torc aproape instantaneu cand sunt mangaiati. Cei mici si-ar dori foarte mult sa fie adoptati cate doi impreuna, pentru ca asa ar fi mult mai fericiti, dar vor fi multumiti si daca familia perfecta vrea doar unul dintre ei.
The four brothers saved from nearby a garbage chute( are now available for adoption. Eira and Birgit, the two apartment tigers are both courageous and inquisitive, they love playing and spending all their time together and only have small fights when it comes to food. Not as courageous are delicate Loke and Magnus the talkative, but they both love purring and being cuddled more than their siblings. The brothers would love it if they could be adopted together, but they are also glad if they find the perfect family even if adopted alone.