
Saturday, August 1, 2015


(EN below) EMMET (M) nascut/born ~10.07.2015, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
EMMET nu este doar un motanila adorabil, ci, desi e micut, e foarte curajos, curios si, desigur, si foarte jucaus.  Orice motanel jucaus are, insa, nevoie si de o pauza de tors si alintat, iar lui Emmet acestea ii plac foarte mult. In brate se relaxeaza instant, incepe sa toarca si adoarme atat de linistit, ca si cum nu ar exista o grija pe lume. Si pt el nu exista, e sigur ca la cat de dragut e isi va gasi o familie iubitoare si serioasa foarte repede.
EMMET is not only an adorable little tom, but also a very curageous, curious and, of course, playful kitten. But like any respectable kitten, he knows that any good play session has to be followed by a lot of pampering and purring and falling asleep while the cat-belly is being rubbed. He has no worries and loves the world. This litle optimist is now looking for a family to forever call his.

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