
Wednesday, January 6, 2016


(EN below) SUZY (F) nascuta/born ~01. 2014, sterilizata, deparazitata, vaccinata, invatata la litiera | neutered, dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained
Ma cheama Suzy si sunt in cautarea unei casute permanente de mai bine de un an. Sunt putin trista pentru ca lumea nu prea ma vrea din cauza varstei - am aproximativ doi ani, iar multi vor sa adopte doar pui. Dar si eu am multa dragoste de oferit, plus ca sunt tare cuminte, educata, stiu sa ma si joc, nu zgarii. Sunt deparazitata, vaccinata, sterilizata si imi place mult sa fiu alintata, desi sunt un pic timida. Dar doar la inceput pana capat incredere.
Mi-as dori o familie unde sa fiu primita cu bratele deschise si cu multa dragoste. Promit sa devenim prieteni buni.
Astept cererile voastre cu mare interes!
Va meowltumesc pentru share!
My name is Suzy and I have been searching for a permanent home for over a year now. I'm a little bit sad because people do not really want me because I am not a kitten anymore. I am about two years old, but I have sooo much love to offer. I am such a sweet girl, I know how to play, and guess what? I won't scratch you. I am dewormed, vaccinated, and, of course, neutered. I love to be spoiled, although at the beginning I may be a little bit shy. I am craving for a loving family. I would be eternally grateful if you welcomed me with open arms and lots of love. I promise to become good friends. Waiting for your requests with great interest! Please, share my story!

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