
Thursday, March 10, 2016


(EN below) PIÑIATA (M) nascut/born ~ 2014-2015, deparazitat, sterilizat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, neutered, litterbox trained

PIÑIATA a fost gasit de o vecina in drumul ei spre casa, era atat de dornic sa fie luat in brate si bagat in seama incat se tinea dupa oameni miunand. Este sterilizat si cum a intrat in casa a fugit la litiera, ceea ce ne face sa credeam ca este ori pierdut ori abandonat. Se intelege bine atat cu pisici, cat si cu caini(pe ai nostri i-a pupat drept in bot cand i-a intalnit). Avand in vedere ca este complet alb mai putin coada, pe care o are neagra, ne-am gandit ca poate fi botezat PIÑIATA, dar cand il alintam ii zicem Whitey. Ajutati-l sa isi gaseasca o familie definitiva, dand SHARE povestii lui.
He's called PIÑIATA because he's all white except for the tail, that's black, but close friends call him Whitey. He was found wondering the streets, following everyone around, asking to be taken home. He is really gentle and loving, was already neutered when we found him and litteraly ran to the litterbox once he was inside, so we suppose he was either lost or abandoned not so long ago. Please help hi find a forever home by shareing his story.

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