
Thursday, August 16, 2012


(EN below)
JEM, m., ~01.05.2012, deparazitat/wormed, invatat la litiera/ litter box trained.
JEM a fost gasit pe santierul unei scoli de tara, statea printre paleti si caramizi si astepta cuminte, alaturi de sora lui SCOUT, sa vina mamica lor inapoi.
Mamica, nu a mai venit, dar i-am gasit noi si, avand in vedere ca nu puteau supravietui acolo unde fusesera aruncati, am hotarat sa ii luam.
JEM este un motanel cumintel si iubaret nevoie mare ii place sa stea pe burtica stapanului sa toarca si sa maseze.
JEM was found on the construction site of a school in a Romanian village, she, and his sister SCOUT, were patiently waiting, among the rubble, for their mommy to come back, what they did not know was that she was never coming back. But we came along, and took them in our care. Now they are looking for a home where they will be loved and protected.
JEM is a very gentle and loving little tomcat. He loves to purr and give cat massages and sometimes tends to suckle on t-shirts.

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