
Monday, September 17, 2012

Cafeneaua cu pisici - prima editie | The Cat Café - first edition

[EN below]
Dragii nostri,
incepem prin a multumi din suflet tuturor celor care au contribuit ca acest prim eveniment al Camerei cu pisici sa fie unul mai mult decat reusit:
- Caffé D'arthé, care ne-au gazduit
- artistilor handmade, care au donat multe produse minunate
- Shole si Purje care ne-au (in)cantat
- persoanelor dragi, care au calcat pragul cafenelei
- prietenilor Camerei cu pisici, care ne-au sprijinit si ne-au ajutat cu promovarea, organizarea si transportul (Ana-Maria, Doris, Sofia, Suzana si Sorin. 

Ordinea este aleatorie si speram ca de emotie (pentru ca va spunem sincer ca suntem de-a dreptul coplesiti) nu am omis pe nimeni si nimic. In urma evenimentului: 2 pisicute sunt deja la casele lor si speram ca altele 3 sa plece cat mai curand; donatiile stranse ne vor ajuta sa acoperim o mare parte a cheltuielolor urgente pe care le aveam programate (achitarea datoriei pentru operatia de amputare a piciorului pisicutei Pupa, sterilizarea Victoriei, deparazitari si vaccinari ale locatarilor Camerei, tratamente ale celor care au nevoie s.a.).
Speram ca si voua v-a facut la fel de multa placere sa ne cunoasteti si ca veti ramane alaturi de noi, pe pagina de facebook si pe blog, pana la un viitor eveniment.
Cu drag,
voluntarii si pisicutele Camerei
Dear friends,

we want to begin by thanking (from the bottom of our hearts) all those who have contributed to making this first event of The Cat Room more than successful:
- Caffé D'Arth, our hosts
- Handmade artists who donated many wonderful products
- Shole and Purje who sang for us
- All the wonderful people who visited our Cat-Caffe
- The Cat Room's friends who have supported us and helped us with the promotion, organization and transport (Ana-Maria, Doris, Sofia, Suzana and Sorin)
These are in random order and we hope that because all of the excitement(we honestly say that we are really overwhelmed) we didn't miss anyone and anything. 

Thanks to this event: 2 cats are already at their homes and hopefully another 3 will leave as soon as possible; the donations will help us cover a large part of urgent expenses we had planned (paying the debt for the amputation surgery for Pupa, the spaying of Victoria, deworming and vaccination of The Cat Room residents and treatments for those who need it).
We hope that you too enjoyed meeting us and that you will keep on following us on Facebook and blog, until a future event.
The Cat Room's volunteers and cats


  1. Felicitari pentru acest eveniment si pentru toate animalutzele care au ajuns la noile lor familii. Oricand aveti nevoie de ajutor, suntem aici

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Bravo ... bine ca mai sunt pe lume si iubitori de pisici ... oameni care le pasa.
