
Friday, September 14, 2012


PUPA(femela), data nasterii / born: ~ 2009- deparazitata, educata la litiera, sterilizata / dewormed, litter box trained, neutered

PUPA a fost găsita cu un picior sfaramat. Lovitura era veche, iar piciorul se deformase deja si din pacate nu a mai putut fi salvat. Desi rămasă în 3 picioruse, Pupa are o putere de refacere si de adaptare extraordinară.
Nu este cu nimic mai prejos decât o pisică normală si are nevoie in aceeasi masura de dragoste si îngrijire. Este o piscuta taaare torcacioasa, afectuoasa, sociabila cu oamenii si cu alte pisici. Merita sansa la o viata normala! Cine i-o poate oferi?
PUPA was found with her leg crushed. It was an old wound, her leg was already deformed and, sadly, could not be saved. Although she now has 3 legs she adapted really quick to this new situation. She is no different than any other normal cat she thrives for love and affection and adores human presence. She is a cuddly, purring, affectionate and sociable(with humans and cats) cat. Give her a chance to a normal life! She deserves it!

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