
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Didina, Amadeo, Alonzo - ADOPTATI

Didina (f), Amadeo [adoptat] si Alonzo [adoptat], nascuti/born: 09.2012, deparazitati/dewormed, educati la litiera/litter box trained
(EN below) Cei trei au fost abandonati intr-o cutie langa o scara de bloc. Din fericire pentru ei, au fost gasiti la timp si se afla in cazare temporara. Chiar daca sunt foarte mici, au stiut sa se duca din prima la litiera. Sunt la varsta la care se joaca pana pica de oboseala, ca apoi s-o ia de la capat. Sunt foarte afectuosi si se alinta pe langa oameni ca sa fie bagati in seama. Au nevoie de familii responsabile.
The three kittens were abandoned in a box next to an apartment building. Fortunately, they were rescued in time and are in foster now. Even though they are so young, they used the litter box immediately. They are at the age when all they do is play until they fall asleep, and when they wake up they start over. They are very affectionate and cuddle around people to get attention. They need responsible families.

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