
Friday, November 16, 2012


NIKITA (f) - nascuta/born: 09.2012; deparazitata/dewormed; educata la litiera/litter box trained
(EN below) Nikita este o minune de pisica. Mica si cu un motoras cat 10, iubitoare si jucausa, e pisica perfecta. A invatat din prima zi cum se foloseste litiera, iar gherutele si le ascute numai pe sisal. Isi gaseste singura de joaca, dar abia asteapta sa fie bagata in seama, ca sa se cuibareasca in bratele unui om. Din pacate, se pare c-a fost lovita foarte puternic, pentru ca are o vanataie mare si un inceput de hernie, care insa nu-i va afecta viata, operatia putand fi facuta la 6 luni, odata cu sterilizarea.
Mai multe poze / More photos:
Nikita is a wonder-cat. Tiny, but purring like 10 kittens together, loving and playful, she's the perfect cat. She learned from the first day how to use the litterbox, and sharpens her claws on the scratching pole. She finds something to play with by herself, but she can't wait for someone to give her attention, so she can cuddle in someones arms. Unfortunately, she has been hit hard, because she has a big bruise and a small hernia. This won't affect her life, the operation being performed at 6 months of age, at the same time with the spaying.

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