
Friday, April 19, 2013


DIEGO(m) - nascut/born: ~2008 -2009 deparazitat/dewormed, castrat/neutered, educat la litiera/litter box trained
Desi DIEGO pare a fi un motan feroce, cu falcutele lui mari si cu atitudinea de macho, in realitate este un motan dornic de iubire, care accepta fericit orice mangaiere. E torcator si cuminte.  Din cauza vietii grele de pe strada
are momente cand se simte in pericol si da cu labuta(mai ales de picioare ii e frica).
Ii place sa stea la geam sa priveasca afara, probabil vrea sa fie la curent cu "pulsul strazii" sau poate doar asteapta o familie care sa il adopte si sa il accepte asa cum e ;).
Even though DIEGO looks like a fierce male, with his big jaws and his macho attitude, he is just a gentle and loving giant. He loves to be caressed, to be scratched under his chin and talked gently to. He"purrs out loud" and is well behaved. He lived on the streets for a while so he sometimes gets anxious and scared of sudden movements(or of feet) and tends to scratch in self defense (he was probably hit). He likes to sit on the window sill and look outside at the passersby, possibly he wants to stay in touch with what's happening outside or maybe he's waiting for someone to adopt and love him just the way he is. ;)

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