
Friday, March 1, 2013


NORA (f), nascuta/born ~ 03.2012, sterilizata/spayed, invatata la litiera/litter box trained.
(En below) Nora a fost gasita intr-o seara in Centrul Vechi. Este destul de slaba, semn ca n-a avut o viata usoara, dar asta nu i-a afectat increderea totala in oameni.
Este o pisica incredibil de lipicioasa si relaxata, care tanjeste dupa afectiune. E linistita, doarme mult, dar nu refuza o sesiune de fugarit laserul. Se cuibareste in bratele tale si te "spala" ca sa-ti arate cat te iubeste.
Daca va doriti o astfel de pisica in preajma si vreti sa-i dati o sansa Norei, scrieti-ne la
Nora was found one evening in the Old City Center. She's a bit skinny, a sign that her life wasn't easy until now, but this hasn't affected her total trust in people.
She's incredibly tender and relaxed, eager for affection. She's laid back and quiet, sleeps a lot, but doesn't refuse a session of chasing the laser. She cuddles in your arms and "washes" you to prove her love.
If you want this kind of cat around and want to give Nora a chance, send an email to

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