
Thursday, March 28, 2013



KARA- (f), nascuta/born OCT. 2012, deparazitata, educata la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained

(EN bellow) Kara este o pisicuta cu personalitate, care, desi timida la prima intalnire, adora sa fie in prezenta oamenilor si sa se bucure de atentia lor. In plus, este plina de energie si foarte jucausa, bucurandu-se din plin de momentele rezervate jocurilor tipic pisicesti, cum ar fi vanatul ghemotoacelor de hartie sau urmaritul pamatufului cu pene. Kara urmeaza sa fie sterilizata la sfarsitul acestei saptamani si apoi va fi disponibila pentru adoptie.

 Kara is a young cat with a distinct personality, who, even if she is shy at the first encounter, loves being around people and enjoys their presence. Moreover, she is full of energy and very playful, totally enjoying the moments dedicated to catly games, like hunting balls of paper or chasing the feathered stick. Kara will be spayed at the end of this week, and after that she will be available for adoption.

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