
Sunday, July 14, 2013



 TAMMY –(f), nascuta/born ~08.2012, deparazitata, vaccinate, sterilizata, educata la litiera / dewormed, vaccinated, neutered, litter box trained
MINI- (f), nascuta/born ~ 20.05.2012, deparazitata, vaccinate, sterilizata, educata la litiera / dewormed, vaccinated, neutered, litter box trained
(EN bellow) Tammy si Mini sunt doua pisicute adoptate de la noi anul trecut cand erau puiuti. Ele au fost returnate dupa 7 luni, apoi adoptate si returnate din nou dupa 3 saptamani, de ambele dati datorita unor schimbari aparute in viata adoptatorilor. Cele doua pisicute au crescut impreuna si sunt nedespartite, dorm impreuna, se joaca impreuna, se spala una pe cealalta.
Tammy este mai timida la inceput cu oamenii noi si este mult mai relaxata atunci cand o are pe surioara ei Mini alaturi, care o ajuta sa capete incredere.Odata ce se obisnuieste cu noul mediu devine o pisicuta extraordinar de iubitoare, care adora sa ti se urce in brate si sa fie mangaiata.
Mini este o mica printesa, care adora sa fie alintata si rasfatata. Este foarte prietenoasa cu oamenii si iubeste sa fie bagata in seama.
Cele doua pisicute fi adoptate atat impreuna cat si separat. 

Tammy and Mini are two cats who were adopted from us last year, when they were just kittens. They were returned after 7 months, then they were adopted again and returned after 3 weeks, both times due to unpredictable changes that appeared in the adopter’s lives.
The two of them were raised together, they play together, the wash each other. Tammy is a little shy at first in the presence of people, and she's more relaxed when she has her sister, Mini, around her, helping her to become more confident. Once she accommodates to the new environment she becomes really sweet and loving and she enjoys jumping in your arms and being cuddled.
Mini is a little princess, who loves human attention. She is very friendly with people and likes being the center of attention.
The two cats can be adopted together or separately.

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