
Friday, September 27, 2013


Creson - ADOPTAT
  CRESON (m) nascut/born: 05.03.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
Aligru si Creson au fost preluati cand aveau doar 3 saptamani, iar acum sunt gata sa-si faca bagaele si sa plece la casele lor. Ca orice pisoi de varsta lor, sunt jucausi si ghidusi si mereu dornici de un scarpinat pe burtica. Cat e ziua de lunga se fugaresc prin casa si in pauze se cuibaresc langa cel mai apropiat om, unde se simt in siguranta. Apoi pornesc motorasele si adorm, doar ca s-o ia de la capat peste jumatate de ora. Printre activitatile preferate sunt smotocitul soriceilor si cataratul pe perdele.
Aligru e timidul familiei, incercand parca sa nu deranjeze cu nimic companionii umani. Creson e cel mai somnoros, cand era mic adormind cu capul in bolul cu mancare. Cei doi sunt nedespartiti si la joaca, si la relaxare, se fugaresc cat e ziua de lunga, se spala unul pe celalalt si dorm imbratisati.
Daca vrei un astfel de zglobiu in familia ta, trimite un mail.

Aligru and Creson were taken in foster when they were only 3 weeks old, and now they're independent and ready to pack their bags and find families of their own. Like any kitten their age, they're playful and naughty and always ready for a belly scratch. All day long, they chase each other around the house and when they take a break they cuddle next to the nearest human, where they feel safe. They turn on their purring engines and fall asleep, only to resume their activities half an hour later. Among their favourite things to do, there are the mouse fights and climbing the curtains.
Aligru is the shy one, trying to best not to disturb the human companions. Creson is the lazy one, when he was little often falling asleep with his head in the food bowl. They are always together, at play and relaxation, from chasing each other all day long to sleeping together.
If you want a frolicsome kitten in your family, send us an email.

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