
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wilma & Betty - ADOPTATE


WILMA & BETTY (f) - nascute/born: ~09.2012 deparazitate/dewormed, sterilizate/neutered, educate la litiera/litter box trained
(EN bellow) Wilma si Betty sunt doua dintre pisicutele a caror poveste v-am prezentat-o aici: 
Ele se afla acum in cazare temporara unde incep sa se obisnuiasca treptat cu oamenii si cu noul mediu. Sunt foarte atasate una de cealalta si sunt mai relaxate atunci cand sunt impreuna. Desi inca sunt destul de timide si sperioase, cu putina rabdare si atentie in mod sigur le poti castiga increderea.

Wilma and Betty are two of the cats that we talked about here: are now in foster and step by step they start to get used to people and to the new environment. They are very attached one to the other and are more relaxed when they are together. Even if they are quite shy for the moment, with patience and attention you will sure win their confidence.

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