
Sunday, July 7, 2013


CONTACT: ---------------------
AMBER (f), nascuta/born ~ 2010, sterilizata, deparazitata, invatat la litiera / neutered, dewormed, litter box trained.
(EN bellow) Amber este o pisica dragalasa, plina de afectiune si chef de tors. Adora sa primeasca atentiedin partea oamenilor, ca o adevarata printesa rasfatata. Amber a fost preluata dintr-un sat deoarece soarta pe care urma sa o aiba era una crunta.Ea urma sa fie dusa pe camp pe motiv ca era gestanta si „umplea gospodaria de puiˮ. Iar cum, in satele din Romania anului 2013, sterilizarea este inca privita cu scepticism sau chiar considerata „un pacatˮ, iata ca abandonul animalelor pe camp ramane singura varianta pe care satenii o considera „acceptabilaˮ si „umanaˮ. Amber a ajuns la Bucuresti, in grija noastra, a fost sterilizata si deparazitata, iar acum asteapta sa isi gaseasca o familie.
Amber is a very sweet cat, with a lot of love and purring sessions to offer. She loves to receive attention from humans, like a true princess. Amber was taken in our care because her faith was going to be awful. She was going to be abandoned on the field because she was pregnant and “was filling the household with kittens”. And because in the Romanian villages of the year 2013, the spaying procedure is still seen with skepticism and is sometimes considered a “sin”, abandoning the animals on the field seems to be the only “acceptable” and “humane” option that the villagers have in mind. Amber is now in Bucharest, in our care,she was spayed and dewormed and is now waiting to find a family.

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