
Tuesday, May 21, 2013


BABETTE (f) - nascuta/born: ~2003, sterilizata/spayed, deparazitata/dewormed, educata la litiera/litter box trained
(EN below) Babette este o pisica batranica, care si-a petrecut o mare parte din viata pe strada. A fost sterilizata acum multi ani si a avut norocul de a fi ingrijita si hranita alaturi de alte pisici cu care convietuia in spatele unui bloc, ajungand la o varsta onorabila pentru o pisica de pe strada. De ceva vreme Babette devenise din ce in ce mai murdara si slaba. Ajunsa la veterinar, medicii au constat ca pisica avea o fractura de premolar, de la care dezvoltase o infectie foarte puternica in gura. Din aceasta cauza ei ii devenise extrem de greu sa se hraneasca si sa se spele. Babette a fost operata si tratata si si-a revenit foarte bine. In urma analizelor de sange s-a constatat ca ea nu sufera de nicio alta afectiune. Acum ea se afla in cazare temporara, unde s-a adaptat de minune si apreciaza din plin confortul si siguranta unui camin. Este o pisica foarte afectuoasa si cuminte si ar fi pacat ca ea sa se intoarca in strada, unde deja ii va fi foarte greu sa se descurce avand in vedere varsta ei. Babette are nevoie de o familie iubitoare care sa ii ofere o batranete linistita.
Babette is an older cat, who spent a large part of her life on the street. She was spayed many years ago and was fortunate to be taken care of and fed together with the other cats that live behind a block, so she reached a fairly advanced age for a cat living on the street. A while ago Babette became increasingly dirty and skinny. When she was taken to the vet, the doctors found that cat has a fractured premolar, from which she developed a very strong infection in the mouth. This is why it became extremely difficult for her to wash her fur and eat. She went under surgery and recovered very well. Now she in foster care, where she adapted extremely well, enjoying the love and security of a home. She is a loving and affectionate cat, and it would be a shame for her to return on the street, where she would surely have a very difficult life from now on. She just needs a loving family to take care of her and offer her a peaceful and safe old age.

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