
Wednesday, October 16, 2013


CLOPOTICA (f) nascuta/born: 2012, deparazitata, invatata la litiera, sterilizata / dewormed, litter box trained, neutered
Pe CLOPOTICA am gasit-o intr-o noapte, umbland nonsalanta pe o strada cu multi caini, tinandu-se dupa oameni fara sa realizeze ca ar putea fi in pericol. Avea zgardita rosie si clopotel la gat si am sperat ca ii vom putea gasi stapanii, dar, din pacate, dupa mai mult de o luna in care a tot asteptat sa fie gasita de familia ei Clopi isi cauta o noua familie. Este o pisica extrem de tandra si iubitoare, e inca tanara asa ca este si jucausa si activa. Este o pisica alintata, care cerseste iubire si atentie, se vede ca a fost crescuta in casa si a avut parte de iubire. Adoptati-o pe Clopi sau ajutati-o cu un SHARE!
We found Clopotica(Tinkerbell) one night wondring the streets following people that were offering her attention. She had her red collar and with a little white bell, so we took her in thinking she was lost and we might be able to find her family, but now, after over a month of waiting, Clopi is looking for a new home. She is an extraordinarily loving and gentle cat, she is still young so she is also energetic.

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