
Saturday, October 12, 2013


ARYA (f) nascuta/born: ~01.08.2013, deparazitata, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
(EN bellow) ARYA este una dintre cele mai dulci si lipicioase pisicute pe care le-am avut in grija. Adora oamenii si incepe sa toarca imediat cum te uiti la ea. Cand are chef de alintat face orice ca sa iti atraga atentia si este absolut imposibil sa ii rezisti si sa nu incepi sa ii mangai blanita moale. Daca stai la calculator sau te uiti la un film vine cumite si ti se cuibareste in brate, torcand cu motorasele pornite la maxim. Este cu adevarat o pisicuta minunata si tot ce are nevoie acum este o familie pe masura, care sa o iubeasca si sa o rasfete asa cum merita.
ARYA is one of the sweetest and most attached kittens we've ever encountered. She adores humans and starts purring just by glancing at her. And forget about doing anything else other than petting her while she's awake, she'll do anything to get your attention and your hands on her soft coat. Sitting at the computer or watching a movie, you can bet she'll be there, with the purring motors going in full swing. She's a truly awesome kitten and all she needs is a matching family, to love and cherish her as much as she deserve.

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