
Tuesday, February 18, 2014


MARCO (m) nascut/born: 2011, deparazitat, invatat la litiera, sterilizat / dewormed, litter box trained, neutered.

Pe cat de frumos e, pe atat de trista ii este povestea. MARCO a fost superb inca de mic, gri tigrat cu nuante de maro, asa ca in 2011 a fost adoptat. Nehranit corespunzator si nesterilizat la timp, Marco a facut blocaj renal la aproximativ 3 ani de la adoptie, iar problemele de sanatate nu au fost constatate la timp, asa ca s-a ajuns la operatie. Dupa operatie, din cauza ca au existat complicatii, stapanii lui Marco s-au decis ca nu il mai pot tine asa ca ni l-au returnat. A trebuit sa fie supus unei noi operatii de uretrostoma si a stat 21 de zile internat la cabinetul veterinar pentru tratament injectabil, iar acum isi revine incet, dar sigur. Desi e putin timid la inceput cu necunoscutii, capata repede incredere in oameni si ii place tare mult sa se alinte, sa fie bagat in seama si mangaiat. Este un pisoi special, care a trecut prin multe si care merita sa aiba parte de  o viata frumoasa. Ingrijirea lui nu ar presupune eforuri mai mari decat pentru un pisoi complet sanatos, fiind nevoie doar sa urmeze o dieta alimentara pentru o perioada de timp.
MARCO was very beautiful as a kitten, so in 2011 he was adopted really quick by a family. But, because he was not fed right and not neutered in time, he developed renal problems. Because those problems were not discovered in time he had to undergo surgery, after the surgery, because he had to eat diet food and he had some more complications the owners decided to return him to us. Upon return he had to undergo a second surgery and staid at the vet for 21 days for treatment. Now he is recovering slowly, but surely. He is shy at first, but it doesn't take long for him to trust people, he loves to be cuddled, loved and pampered and longs for the love he once knew. He is a special tomcat, who's been through a lot and who would deserve a better life. He would not need any special treatment, except for the fact that he will have to eat diet food for a while.

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