
Tuesday, September 2, 2014


PIU & PUI (F, F), nascute/born ~15.07.2014, deparazitate, invatate la litiera | dewormed, litter box trained
PIU si PUI doua surioare dragute, alintate si jucause, care de abia asteapta sa isi gaseasca familii. Micutele, care acum au in jur de o luna jumate, au fost aruncate de cineva in curtea unei pensiuni cand nici nu se puteau hrani singure. Din fericire au fost gasite la timp si acum, dupa ce au inceput deja sa manance singure si au invatat sa foloseasca litiera, spera sa isi gaseasca o casuta, impreuna sau separat.
Pui and Piu ,two cute twins ,very pampered and playful, can’t wait to find adopting families. The little ones are now approximately one and a half months old. They were left in a yard somewhere in the mountains when they were so small that they couldn’t even eat by themselves. Luckily they were found on time and now, after they started eating on their own and learned how to use the litter box, they hope to find a family, together or separately. .

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