
Friday, March 20, 2015



(EN below)
AYRAN(M) nascuta/born ~15.12.2014, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained.
Desi il cheama AYRAN, micutul este o dulceata! Este plin de dragoste, energie si voie buna si nu se fereste sa le ofere fara masura oricuie dornic sa il bage in seama. Cand l-am gasit in fata la Spring Time la Piata Universitatii era murdar, muscat de o labuta si haladuia (schiopatand) in cautarea unui adapost, dar toate relele prin care a trecut nu l-au facut pe Ayran sa se amarasca, el si-a pastrat increderea in oameni, veselia si motorasul de tors. Acum tot ce ii mai trebuie este o familie pe care sa o bucure cu jongleriile lui pisicesti in fiecare zi.
Even if he is called AYRAN this boy is sweet as candy. He is an explosion of love, energy and cheer and has no problem spreading the love. We found him wondering the streets dirty and limping (he had an infected bite on his left front paw), but none of these bad experiences made him any less adorable. He loves humans and life and all he needs now is a family to make happy.

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