
Saturday, August 1, 2015


KELLY (F) nascuta/born: ~01.05.2015, deparazitata, invatata la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
KELLY, mica pantera cu blana matasoasa si lucioasa, a fost gasita pe autostrada A3 la ~15 km de Bucuresti. Desi e interzis sa faci autostopul, a iesit din sant, cand am tras pe dreapta, si a venit fugind si mieunand catre masina, a sarit in brate si a tors si framantat cozonacei pana am ajuns cu ea acasa. Este extrem de dragastoasa si nu ii este deloc frica de oameni, asa ca cel mai probabil a fost abandonata in campul din zona si a ajuns fix la momentul potrivit pe marginea autostrazii.
KELLY our little satiny panther was found on the A3 freeway. Even though hitchhiking is forbidden, as soon as we pulled over she came running and mewing towards us and purred and massaged all the way home. She is extremely loving and is not at all scared of people so she was probably abandoned in the field next to the freeway. 

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