
Thursday, July 2, 2015


LIAM (m) nascut/born: ~01.04.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
Liam nu este doar un motanel adorabil, ci si un baiat foarte cuminte, bland si dragastos, deparazitat, vaccinat, sterilizat, invatat cu viata la apartament si are carnetel de sanatate. El isi cauta urgent o familie nou, pentru ca persoanele care il adoptasera de la noi acum aproape 2 ani vor avea un copil si nu doresc sa il mai pastreze. Liam spera ca de aceasta data sa isi gaseasca familia adevarata, care sa ii fie alaturi toata viata.
Liam is not only an adorable tomcat, but also a very gentle and loving one. Dewormed, vaccinated and sterilized, well adapted to apartment life and having a pet health card, he's urgently looking for a new family since the people who had him adopted for the last two years are expecting a baby and reasoned that they cannot keep him anymore. Liam is now hoping he'll find himself a real family this time, one that will keep him for life.

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