
Friday, July 17, 2015


NOLI (F) nascut/born: ~15.05.2015, deparazitata, vaccinata, invatata la litiera / dewormed, vaccinated, litter box trained
NOLI este din familia rara a felinelor bufnitoase :), de care cel mai probabil nu ati mai auzit(pentru ca ea e singurul exemplar), care se deosebeste de celalte feline prin faptul ca are ochii mari si bulbucati si blanita zburlita, neagra inspicata cu alb. Desi nu au fost zarite foarte multe astfel de exemplare in aceasta zona a globului, Noli a ajuns cumva la motorul unei masini din cartierul Dr. Taberei de unde mieuna disperata, cu toate ca ii era prea frica de oameni, la momentul respectiv, ca sa coboare. Pana la urma, dupa 1:30 h de rugaminti, am momit-o cu niste fripturica de porc si odata ajunsa in grija noastra s-a relaxat si a inceput sa se bucure de viata la apartament. Acum, dupa 2 saptamani, bufnicioara noastra cauta un cuib definitv in care sa se mute, alaturi de o familie care sa ii aprecieze penajul special.
NOLI belongs to a rare breed called the owl-like felines, you probably never heard of (as she is the only one), but they differentiate from the other felines because of their big bulb-like eyes and her fluffy black coat with gray hairs. Although not many individuals of this species were spotted in these parts of the globe, Noli somehow managed to get trapped in the motor of a car in Bucharest, from where she was meowing desperately. Even if she was suspicious towards people in the beginning, after she started enjoying the apartment life she also started value human company. All the odd bird needs now is a nest of her own and a family to appreciate her interesting feathering.

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