
Thursday, March 3, 2016


(EN below) PUKA(F) nascut/born ~01.11.2015, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
PUKA este o puiuta, nu doar extrem de frumoasa, dar si foarte iubareata, jucausa si torcacioasa. E pisica ideala: energica si plina de viata, dar care nu ar refuza niciodata o sesiune de tors si alintat. Ii place nespus de mult sa doarma in brate si sa fie mangaiata pe burtica si sub gusa. Nu e un pui extrem de agitat, asa ca nu ar avea probleme sa stea mai multe ore singura in casa, si-ar gasi ea sigur ceva cu care sa isi petreaca timpul, fara a face stricaciuni.
PUKA is an adorable little girl. She loves to play and run around just as much as she enjoys being pampered, petted and kissed. She purrs of joy when getting a belly rub and loves to sleep hours on end in your lap. Even though she is still young, she is not the damaging kind, she can play by herself in the house, while alone, without breaking anything. She is just the perfect cat.

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