
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


ALPIN(m) - nascut/born: 24.08.2012; deparazitat/dewormed;educat la litiera/litter box trained
(EN below) ALPIN este jucausul grupului, chiar daca ceilalti adorm de la atata joaca, el e neobosit..fuge prin camera, isi face de lucru singur si are energia a toti ceilalti 3 frati impreuna.

Nu e cel mai pupacios sau iubaret, dar nu ar refuza o partida buna de pupaceli, mangaieri si imbratisari niciodata. A avut niste probleme de piele cauzate de o micoza, dar acum este refacut.
ALPIN is the most playful of the 4 brothers, even after all others have gone to sleep after the long hours of play, he stays up and plays by himself, runs around and has fun alone. He has the energy of all the other 3 brothers combined. He's a bit more independent than the others, but he would never turn down a good session of hugs, kisses and caresses. He was under treatment for some skin problems caused by a mycosis, but he is ok now.
Povestea celor 4 alpinisti aici: | Here you can find the story of the 4 little rock climbers:

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