
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


MAGDA(f) - nascut/born: 24.08.2012; deparazitat/dewormed;
in proces de educare la litiera/ in litter box training 
(EN below) MAGDA este singura fetita a grupului si se vede..ea e capul nabadailor, ii invata la prostioare si pe fratii ei si mananca dublu fata de baieti, dar e cea mai firava. E iubitoare si torcatoare si foarte tandra, ca orice fetita.

MAGDA is the only girl of the group and it's clear she is the head of the operation! She's the leader of the gang and puts the boys up to all sorts of nasty kitty business. She is loving and purring purrrfectly and as gentle as and little lady would be.
Povestea celor 4 alpinisti aici: | Here you can find the story of the 4 little rock climbers: 

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