
Friday, January 18, 2013


SYLVESTER (m) - nascut/born: 2011, deparazitat/dewormed, castrat/neutered, educat la litiera/litter box trained
Sylvester a fost salvat din mijlocul unei haite de caini. A fost adus la un cabinet veterinar in stare de soc.

Nu se misca si abia mai respira. Dupa cateva zile de tratament Sylvester si-a recapatat fortele si s-a dovedit a fi unul dintre cei mai afectuosi, cuminti si torcatori motani din cati am cunoscut. Dupa tratament, deparazitare si castrare, Sylvester a fost externat.
Ajuns intr-o casa el nu a avut nicio problema de acomodare, ci din contra, este complet in largul lui, ceea ce ne face sa credem ca a crescut cu siguranta in preajma oamenilor, cel mai probabil chiar intr-o casa. Are si cicatrici mai vechi pe aproape tot corpul, este foarte slab si are o mica problema cu echilibrul, toate semne ale unei vieti dure pe strada,una care cu siguranta nu i-a priit. Sylvester are nevoie acum de o familie permanenta care sa aiba grija de el si sa il iubeasca asa cum merita. Acorda-i o sansa si iti garantam ca nu vei regreta.
Sylvester was rescued from the middle of a pack of dogs. He was brought to a vet clinic completely in shock. He was not moving and was barely breathing. After several days of treatment Sylvester regained strength and proved to be one of the most affectionate, obedient and purring tomcats we have ever met. After treatment, deworming and neutering, Sylvester was released form the vet. Arriving in a house he had no problem accommodating, on the contrary, he just feels like home, which makes us believe that he has lived around people, most probably in a house. He has old scars almost all over his body, he was very weak and has a little problem with balance, all signs of a hard life on the street. Sylvester needs a permanent family to take care of him and love him as he deserves. Give him a chance and we guarantee you will not regret it.

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