
Tuesday, January 29, 2013


RAY & JAY (m), nascuti/ born ~10.2012
deparazitati, educati la litiera / de-wormed, litter box trained
( EN bellow) Ray si Jay sunt doi fratiori pe care la prima vedere cu greu reusesti sa ii deosebesti, dar nu va faceti griji ca ii veti confunda: au personalitati complet diferite si par sa se completeze perfect unul pe celalat. Ray este mai curajos, vine singur sa se alinte si adora sa fie tinut in brate. Jay, in schimb, este un pic mai timid la inceput; abia dupa ce il vede pe fratiorul lui ca se alinta si se rasfata isi face si el curaj sa stea la mangaiat. Sunt foarte atasati unul de celalat si este o incantare sa ii vezi cum se joaca impreuna si apoi adorm cuibariti unul langa altul. Ne-ar parea rau sa ii despartim, asa ca ar fi de preferat sa fie adoptati impreuna sau macar de persoane care mai au o pisica, pentru a avea un partener de joaca.
Ray and Jay are two little brothers – you can hardly tell one from the other at the first glance, but rest assured: they have very distinct personalities and they seem to complement each other perfectly. Ray is braver, he comes to you by himself and he loves being held. In return, Jay is a little bit shy at first, and only after he sees that his little brother is cuddling and he’s being petted, he finds the courage to enjoy a petting session. They are very fond of each other, and watching them play together and then huddle together is simply a delight. We would feel sorry to break them apart, so it’s preferable for them to be adopted together, or at least by someone who already has a cat, so the little one has someone to play with.

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